Bishop Tracy Smith Malone Visited Colfax UMC
On November 11th, Bishop Tracy Smith Malone and Northwest District Superintendent Lore Blinn Gibson, toured the Northwest District of the Indiana Conference. The day started with a breakfast meet and greet for anyone who wanted to come and meet the Bishop. A light breakfast was served, Bishop shook plenty of hands and then preached a powerful message of her vision for ministry in Indiana, and it is "On the Move"! A few pastors shared ministry happenings from their churches and the Bishop offered a prayer for everyone there and a blessing for those new ministries being started. Of which, our Colfax Hickory Community Dinner was mentioned. Thank you Pastor Lore for allowing us the privilege to host the Bishop. Not all churches get such an honor. And Bishop Malone is the presiding President of the Council of Bishops...so they don't get any bigger than her in the Untied Methodist Church. We were very honored to have her in our church. We will continue to pray for her as she leads our state denomination. We also continue to offer our prayers and support for Bishop's husband, Derek. He has suffered a stroke and we are lifting them both up in our prayers.